Pamplona-Iruña: UNRWA – Solidarity Schools of Navarre

Students of 3rd and 4th level of Compulsory Secondary Education (DBH or ESO) working on the project of peace and solidarity

Students of Eunate have been working in the project of peace and international cooperation organized by the school inside the network of Solidarity Schools of Navarre in collaboration with UNWRA and Alboan organizations. The goal of the school is for our students to be aware of the necessity of facing and solving conflicts by using non-violent means. For this to be possible, we get near the situation of refugees and migrants. In this way, we offer our students tools and strategies  to value other realities in the world and to be sympathetic by  getting to know the reality of Nicaragua, Palestine and Finland, together with ours and our educational systems to help social integration of those in need.

[click to see all the pictures]