Joensuu: Welcoming evening for new neighbours at the main library

Students of Lyseo participated in welcoming evening at the city library. There was 50 immigrants fromdifferent countries participating on the event. There was also about 70 native citizens in attendance. The aim of the evening was to introduce the library to the immigrants. Students of Lyseo met immigrants and familiarized themselves with the multicultural interaction. Library staff introduced differentpossibilities to our students. In the future library will be one of the meeting places in our project.Library has their own multicultural project and we will co-operate withthem in this Erasmus-project. Multicultural library–project provides the library services for immigrants. The idea is to scan the needs andproduce special services and events for non-Finnish speaking customer: for example the language cafés, information services, gender specialized spaces etc. In this area students of Lyseowill participate and compose ideas especially for young immigrants.
