Erasmus + Nordic school conference in September 2017 in Malmö, Sweden

Erasmus + Nordic school conference in September 2017 in Malmö, Sweden

The project was presented in a workshop of the conference” Newly arrived pupils – how to prevent alienation through involvement and inclusion”. The coordinator of our project, Sari Manninen took part the conference in Malmö, Sweden in September 2017. Representatives of European Commission (Deputy Director of Education and Culture), National Agency of Sweden (UHR) and Malmö City and many other professionals of this this topic from different Nordic countries participated the conference.

There were many different kinds of presentations, workshops and panel discussions concerning the same topic as we deal with in our project eg multilingualism as a resource, critical thinking and media literacy, promoting democratic culture in schools today and intercultural thinking. The useful practices and activities, pedagogical methodology in the background, international cooperation and the close and regular cooperation with the local stakeholders and coworkers of our project were presented and discussed in many occasions there. The participants expressed their interest in our project.