Diffusion event organized by SEPIE in Navarre

On 21st of November 2017, Eunate BHI took part in the diffusion event organized by the Spanish National Agency (SEPIE) and the Department of Education of Navarre in Pamplona. It was a conference to share experiences related to the program Erasmus+ and, at the same time, it was meant to be a sort of encouragement for other school centres of Navarre to elaborate Erasmus+ projects.

Eunate school coordinators Mikel Izkue and Marta Diez were in charge of the presentation of our project “For active and global citizenship –against youth social exclusion”. Besides, both the Principal and Head of Studies of the school accompanied the coordinators.

A power point presentation was shown, while the coordinators explained the school experience and their work in partnership with the Joensuun Lyseon Lukio of Finland. They underlined the work done  by the students of both school centres, who have taken part in the project so actively. In addition, they remarked that the project has been very beneficial for all the education community.

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