
04-06-2018 Diario de Noticias: Teachers of IES Eunate BHI in Finland

The article talks about our last coordinators’ meeting in Joensuu and expresses the aim that both schools have to continue working together.

19-03-2018 Diario de Noticias: IES Eunate’s exchanges

This newspaper from Pamplona published a short report about the exchanges our school is taking part during this school year, one of them within the Erasmus+ project.

23-11-2017 Diario de Noticias: students from Finland visit the Town Hall of Pamplona during their exchange with IES Eunate BHI

[click to see the page]

11-06-2017 Diario de Navarra: International meeting of IES Eunate



05-06-2017 Diario de Noticias: Coordinators’ meeting in Joensuu

This newspaper from Pamplona published a short report about the coordinators’ meeting which took part in Joensuu at the end of May.

2017-06-05 diario de noticias

28-02-2017 Diario de Noticias: Students from the Erasmus+ project in the IES Eunate BHI visited Finland last week.

In this article, included in the local news, they speak about the exchange which took part during a whole week in Joensuu. There is a short explanation about the aims of the project and they also mention some of the activities done during the exchange.


26-02-2017 Diario de Navarra: Students from IES Eunate BHI during their exchange in Joensuu.

In this article, included in the local news, they speak about the exchange which took part during a whole week in Joensuu. There is a short explanation about the aims of the project.


18-2-2017 Karjalan Heili: Kohtaaminen auttaa ymmärtämään

The newspaper from Joensuu “Karjalan Heili” published an article about our project.


21-01-2017 Diario de Navarra: The Finnish connection of IES Eunate

This is an article at half page talking about the exchange that recently took part between IES Eunate BHI and Joensuun lyseon lukio.


15-01-2017 Diario de Noticias: Co-working with a Finnish school

In this article, included in the page about local society, it is mentioned the work that both schools are carrying on together on the topic of the project.


23-10-2106 Diario de Noticias: Coordinators’ meeting in Pamplona

The newspaper from Pamplona “Diario de Noticias” published a short report about the coordinators’ meeting, which took part in Pamplona at the beginning of October.
