Joensuu: Visitors from Joensuu’s area multicultural association (JoMoni)


On Friday afternoon after school we had two visitors from JoMoni (Joensuu’s area multicultural association). One was an employee from there and the another one was an immigrant from Iraq who works nowadays in Joensuu waiting for his asylum decision.

The employee told us about immigration in general and her work in JoMoni. She works closely with immigrants and tries to find to them Finnish homes where to stay instead of reception centers. She also told us how asylum decisions are made and how they sometimes convert people with wrong reasons.

The immigrant told his story to us. It was interesting to hear a real-life story about immigration, not just one from media. He told how he get from Iraq to Finland (and Joensuu) through Europe. The story opened our eyes more and made us think more about immigrants and their living conditions over their journey.

I think that we all can agree that this visiting was eyes opened and interesting. We are looking forward more meetings like this one.

– Jenna and Jessica